I write essays and poems that vary widely in subject; reality, fantasy, serious, funny, ecology, opinions, philosophy, nature, hunting, fishing, religion, love, government, sad, happy, who cares, and the good old days.
About Me

- Gene Fritcher
- Gladwin, Michigan, United States
- Eugene Fritcher was born in Gladwin, Michigan in 1928. He has been the subject of many articles regarding his views on preservation of lakes, rivers, wildlife and forest land. The author lived an extremely active life in his younger years, and through his many jobs, acquaintances and his own experiences, he has gathered a multitude of writing material.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Deep in the swamp land lived Emery Jones
a thin little man, most all called him Bones.
Never known as a man to socialize,
lived his life among birds, beasts and the fly's.
At times he'd been heard talking to tree's,
some thought Bones had a mental disease.
Folks shied away from his moss covered home,
thought of as strange, people left him alone.
At the general store at "Swamp River Bend"
twice a year old Bones would come limping in.
Thin, pale and gaunt he never carried a grin,
just picked up staples, back to swamp life again.
He was accepted for years, then the gossip begin,
that old Bones was guilty of some horrible sin,
must have broke out of prison, hid from the war,
perhaps even murdered, would he kill anymore?
Coyotes steal chickens when wild food gets thin
old Bones would be blamed, folks knew it was him.
A group of men gathered to search the swamp
they'd drive this thief from his sod shanty romp.
Found Bones roasting meat on a long willow stick
then one huge towering man gave the fire a kick.
"You'll steal no more chickens, now get on your way"
Bones limped off like a child, had nothing to say.
With a few tugs and pulls the cabin came down
a few men remained still searching the ground.
Not one chicken bone, or feather did they find,
just one deer front quarter, hung up with old twine.
Then a small box made from split cedar tree
lay half covered in sand, very easy to see.
Inside this small box there was bound to be,
missing coins stolen from some burglary.
The box held a bible, papers, and a rolled up old flag.
There was no stolen money of which they could brag.
When leafing the bible a war picture was found,
seven soldiers lay dead on the battlefield ground.
A letter of commendation clearly defined
how private Emery Jones had fought through enemy lines,
opened a hole at least one quarter mile wide,
saving twenty nine soldiers, all trapped inside.
Shot in the leg he would hobble and crawl
over and back till he had saved them all.
Many metals fell from that old ragged flag,
one a purple heart on which he never did brag.
"Thou shall not kill" in the bible circled in red,
a prayer for each man he'd killed was daily said.
Prayed their families and God, could some day forgive,
self penitence, the rest of his life he would live.
Emery Jones had lost faith in his fellow man,
made a vow that never, would he kill again.
They rebuilt his shanty on that lonely swamp track
but little Emery ( Bones ) Jones, never did wander back.
Let Thee Not Judge
Matthew 7.1 Judge Not
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